Taking your furry friend to the vet can be stressful for them and for you. However, regular checkups are crucial for your pet’s health and well-being, and our Guam Pet Hospital team wants to walk you through the steps for stress-free visits.

Before your pet’s appointment 

Take some time to prepare your pet before their next scheduled visit. This will help keep them calmer before and during the visit and relieve their stress and yours. 

Practice handling your pet — A veterinary visit always includes a complete nose-to-tail physical examination, and you can help your pet feel less stressed by this handling by desensitizing them beforehand. Gently handle their feet, nails, ears, and tails, and teach them to associate this touching with good things like kind words, pats, and tasty treats. Practice for 5 minutes daily, and watch them grow more comfortable in a few weeks. 

Teach your pet to love the carrier and the car You can help ease your pet’s stress level by teaching them that the carrier and the vehicle lead to good things, not just unpleasant things. Put your cat carrier in a bedroom or living room, and wipe it down with soothing feline pheromones. Leave a cozy blanket and treats inside, and your cat will naturally explore the carrier and learn to see it as a safe, happy place. Teach your dog that the car is fun by giving them treats when they’re riding and taking them to fun places like the park or the beach, or even just for a walk in a different neighborhood. If your dog is afraid of the car, start slowly by just having them get in, giving them a treat, and then letting them get out. Gradually work up to a ride in increments of 5 minutes at a time. If you need more help, call us. 

Go for a practice visit to the veterinarian — In between veterinary visits, drop by the office for a fun visit only. Let your pet greet the team, have some treats, and then leave. That will help them build a positive association with the veterinarian’s office. 

Choose a less busy time — Many veterinary offices are bustling during early drop-off and pickup times in the late afternoon. Schedule your appointments around those times, and when you call to schedule, let the Client Service team know that you have a nervous pet so they can be prepared with extra time and perhaps even a quiet room.

During your pet’s appointment

Lead by example. Your pet is highly attuned to your emotions and stress level, so if you make an effort to relax, they will also relax. Here are some other tips.

  • Avoid the busy waiting room by waiting in your car.
  • Allow your pet to explore the exam room and get comfortable.
  • Use positive reinforcement and small, tasty rewards to keep your pet’s attention on you.
  • Ask the veterinary team to explain what they are doing during the exam to ease your pet’s anxiety.
  • Speak up if you have any concerns or if your pet becomes too stressed.

After your pet’s appointment

After your pet’s appointment, reward them with a treat or a toy for being a good patient. Make sure to allow your pet some time at home after the appointment to decompress, and use pheromones again to help them relax. Keep practicing for your next appointment, and use the feedback from your pet to guide where and how you should continue your training. 

Extra assistance for stress-free vet visits

Sometimes, a pet needs more help to calm down than training and desensitization techniques can manage. In these cases, talk to your veterinarian about calming supplements, a compression shirt, or anti-anxiety medication. These products can be used before you leave your house and help your pet stay calm as they form new relationships and associations with the veterinary office. Talk to your veterinarian at Guam Pet Hospital if you feel your pet could benefit from a prescription. 

Taking your pet to the vet doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. Following these tips can help both of you feel more comfortable and relaxed during their next visit. Remember, regular vet checkups are crucial for your pet’s health, so don’t let the fear of a stressful visit prevent you from caring for your furry friend. Call us to schedule an appointment today.